Anyways, I can't tell if I've suddenly had a great appreciation for other culture's fashion, or if I've just been watching too much Star Wars...
... its probably watching too much Star Wars...
–prior to complete wakefulness.
"He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me."It is so beautiful, and so true. I have so many enemies inside myself -Lies, Envy, Laziness, Anger, Lack-of-Self-Control, and Aimlessness, just to name a few of the pack. And I can't overcome them on my own because they are too strong for me. Yet God, in His unending love, scoops me up; He reaches down from His greatness to rescue a little person like me who is drowning in the grasp of my enemies. Why was I being so stubborn and so assuming about what these poems were about for so long? It's like I couldn't see what was so obvious. Now I need to read them all again! And I am filled with excitement! (As is evident from all these exclamation marks)